Shoes: Pleasure and Pain
@Peabody Essex Museum
November 19, 2016 to March 12, 2017

Sebastian Errazuriz, “The Cry Baby” and “The Rock,” from the “12 Shoes for 12 Lovers” collection, 2013.
This November, the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) presents, Shoes: Pleasure and Pain, an exhibition that explores the creativity of footwear from around the globe. Featuring more than 300 pairs of shoes ranging from an ancient Egyptian sandal decorated in pure gold leaf to futuristic-looking shoes created on a 3D printer, the exhibition considers the cultural significance and transformative capacity of shoes. Examples from famous shoe collectors and celebrities are shown alongside a dazzling range of historic shoes, many of which have not been displayed before. Organized by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, the exhibition will make its U.S. debut at PEM on November 19.